
Scale up your business with PayG dynamic QR code

Quickest way to accept payments across all merchant categories.

How PayG’s Dynamic QR code works?


Download PayG QR enabled mobile banking app

Log in to your PayG Digital dashboard to set up your payment page and instantaneously generate a dynamic QR code.


Share your QR code

Share the dynamic QR code with your customers.


Complete the payment details

Your customers will be taken straight to your payment page when they scan the dynamic QR code.

Why PayG’s Dynamic QR Code?

Give your customers the flexibility to pay and they will surely love to shop with you

Quick and error-free
No additional charges
Single point reconciliation 
Customized for your business
Best success rate
Highly secure

Accepting QR payments is simple

Dynamic QR codes—a safe and easy way to get paid in-person.
With QR codes, there's no need for you or your customers to handle cash or cards and receive payment quickly.

Smart QR Code

  •   Dynamic QR code that has your order information and amount
  •   Single tap payment from PayG App scan
  •   You will not need any POS or any other infrastructure. you can manage your business with your mobile.

Ready to get started?

We anticipate working with your business. Regardless of whether you run a start-up, have been live for a few years, or are an experienced organization, PayG payment gateway is here for you to take all kinds of payments quickly and securely.

  • Zero set-up fees
  • No maintenance charges
  • No hidden charges
  • Custom pricing